All our core products are designed, manufactured and tested in the UK by highly skilled and trained Axtec personnel. Once the order has been placed, our internal design, production and installation teams step in:
Axtec OnBoard
- Once the installation programme has been outlined, we will discuss timescales, locations and the role the Axtec team will play, either in terms of direct involvement or with third party installers via our Technical Support Programme.
- On the agreed installation date, we will install the OnBoard system using vehicle specific equipment and methods and calibrate them using weighing equipment that is designed for the task.
- Full demonstration of the system is provided for the driver.

- The production of a site drawing becomes a key control document, detailing exactly what is supplied and how it will integrate with your existing operation. Customer requirements are also clearly defined.
- On an agreed date, following approval of RAMS and all specific H&S documents, our construction team will perform any necessary excavation and lay a perfectly flat concrete slab, ensuring that transfer of load between axles does not occur during the weighing process.
- After a minimum of four weeks, during which the concrete will have completed its chemical curing process, our service team will install, test and commission the hardware.
- Following installation, we will calibrate the equipment using the only Weighbridge Test Vehicles in the UK which are compliant with the testing regulations for dynamic axle weighbridges.
- If required, initial verification for trade or public use can be carried out at this time.