The UK’s leading axle weighing specialist, Axtec, has installed its new Series 5000 Dynamic Axle Weighbridge at Brit European’s new 100% carbon neutral operating site in Middlewich – the Vita Nova Centre.
The company reports immediate operational benefits, and is already looking to install a second dynamic weighbridge at another site.
Axtec’s dynamic weighbridge provides axle and total weights for a six-axle tractor and trailer in 40-seconds to an accuracy of +/- 0.25% – the most accurate dynamic weighbridge in the world. The vehicle is simply driven across the flush mounted platform at a constant speed of up to 2.5 mph before instant weight figures are shown on a large digital display.
Brit European’s new Vita Nova Centre is a new distribution and head-quarters facility in Middlewich boasting excellent transport links adjacent to junction 18 of the M6. Designed with two core environmental objectives in mind, Vita Nova Centre is 100% carbon neutral in its build and operation and, secondly, it is completely off grid. The site fulfils a requirement as a 75-vehicle distribution hub and a head office for 50 staff.
The installation of the Axtec weighbridge at Vita Nova Centre required the construction of a perfectly flat 35-metre concrete slab, built to precise tolerances to ensure highly accurate weight analysis for all vehicle types. Axtec’s own specialist construction team design and build the slab before installing the dynamic weighing equipment.
To date, Brit European reports the new Axtec weighbridge has already been delivering fast, reliable results, and has ensured its vehicle fleet remains within legal weight limits. The new weighbridge is also allowing the company to configure a new vehicle transporter design, to optimise loading positions and thus maximise payload potential.
The investment into the new Axtec weighing equipment has been made primarily for Brit European’s own compliance requirements, although the company has also just been awarded certification to offer the equipment as a Public Weighbridge. Brit European states that it expects to attract interest from truck operators locally and from further afield.
Fleet Optimisation Manager, Andy Evans, said, “The new Axtec weighbridge has already proved to be an excellent compliance benefit for us. It’s very quick, it’s very simple and it’s very accurate, and I can see it delivering significant efficiencies across the fleet.
“Locally,” he said, “there are few weighbridges of this type and quality outside of DVSA enforcement sites, so we are delighted to be offering the new weighbridge to other hauliers at just a small operational fee. There will be an online booking option for customers. I can see the new Axtec weighbridge making a hugely positive impact on productivity for us and other operators.”
Brit European’s 100% carbon neutral Vita Nova Centre includes several environmentally protective amenities, including ground-breaking vertical axis wind turbines, the wide-spread use of solar power and the capture of rain-water before filtering and using it for truck washing and toilet flushing.