Axtec have taken delivery of its latest test-weight tractor and trailer combination – a new DAF XF 480 4×2 tractor with Super Space Cab, complete with a bespoke step-frame trailer.
The truck replaces an existing DAF unit and was supplied by DAF Dealer, Lancashire DAF.
The test-weight vehicle – the only one of its type in the UK – is used to calibrate and check the accuracy of new or existing Dynamic Weighbridges and to ensure that equipment is performing to Axtec’s exacting standards. Axtec has operated a Weighbridge Test Vehicle since 1997 and reports that the equipment has proved indispensable in delivering highly accurate, reliable results time after time, and with the ultimate goal of keeping operators’ vehicles safe and legal.
A new, all-steel suspension trailer is due for delivery in March. An all-steel set-up is an essential requirement because air suspension can mask a maladjustment in a dynamic weighbridge.
“Our new test vehicle provides us with a reliable, flexible and highly accurate method of testing and calibration – anywhere in the country,” said Axtec Managing Director, Keith Gresham, “and it’s proved a vital piece of kit for over 20 years. Our latest DAF XF will ensure we can continue to deliver high service levels for our customers for many years to come.”